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Lab Chip 20:548 (2020) in collaboration with KBSI

Welcome to BDELab. @ INU

Biologics & Diagnostics Engineering Laboratory (BDELab) at INU is exploring the sources of life in engineering based on bio‐scientific knowledge and that stands on the basis of biological, physical, chemical and engineering concepts.

The BDELab provides excellent training opportunities for MS and Ph.D candidates. It has a strong track record in training and helping young researchers to realize their potential as the future leaders in bioengineering.

Key articles
  • "Engineered plant-derived extracellular vesicles for targeted regulation and treatment of colitis-associated inflammation" Theranostics 14:5643-5661 (2024)  Journal cover

  • "Exploiting spinach-derived extracellular vesicles for anti-obesity therapy through lipid accumulation inhibition" Advanced Therapeutics (Accepted)  Journal cover

  • "Bioreducible exosomes encapsulating glycolysis inhibitors potentiate mitochondria-targeted sonodynamic cancer therapy via cancer-targeted drug release and cellular energy depletion" Biomaterials 301:122242 (2023)

  • "Brain endothelial cell-derived extracellular vesicles with a mitochondria-targeting photosensitizer effectively treat glioblastoma by hijacking the blood‒brain barrier” Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B 13:3834-3848 (2023)

  • "Size-selective filtration of extracellular vesicles with a movable-layer device" Lab on a Chip 22:3699 (2022)

  • "Engineered extracellular vesicle-based sonotheranostics for dual stimuli-sensitive drug release and photoacoustic imaging-guided chemo-sonodynamic cancer therapy" Theranostics (2022)  Journal cover

  • "Inhibition of tumor progression and M2 microglial polarization by extracellular vesicle-mediated microRNA-124 in a 3D microfluidic glioblastoma microenvironment" Theranostics 11:9687-9704 (2021) Journal cover

  • "Single-step equipment-free extracellular vesicle concentration using super absorbent polymer beads" Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 10:e12074 (2021)

  • "Isolation of cabbage exosome-like nanovesicles and investigation of their biological activities in human cells" Bioactive Materials 6:4321-4332 (2021)

  • "Safe and targeted sonodynamic cancer therapy using biocompatible exosome-based nanosonosensitizers" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13:25575-25588 (2021)

  • "Exosome-mediated microRNA-497 delivery for anti-cancer therapy in a microfluidic 3D lung cancer model" Lab on a Chip 20:548 (2020)

  • "Simultaneous multiplexed detection of exosomal miRNAs and surface proteins for prostate cancer diagnosis" Biosensors and Bioelectronics 146:111749 (2019)

  • "Inhibition of apoptosis using exosomes in Chinese hamster ovary cell culture" Biotechnology and Bioengineering 115:1331-1339 (2018)

  • “Simultaneous and multiplexed detection of exosome microRNAs using molecular beacons” Biosensors and Bioelectronics 86:202-210 (2016)

  • "In situ single step detection of exosome microRNA using molecular beacon" Biomaterials, 54:116-125 (2015)    

  • “Enzyme delivery using the 30Kc19 protein and human serum albumin nanoparticles” Biomaterials 35:1696-1704 (2014) 

  • "High-throughput generation of spheroids using magnetic nanoparticles for three-dimensional cell culture" Biomaterials 34: 8555-8563 (2013)  

  • "A Protein delivery system using 30Kc19 cell-penetrating protein originating from silkworm" Biomaterials 33: 9127-9134 (2012).   

  • “Quantum dot-fluorescent protein FRET probes for sensing intracellular pH” ACS Nano 6: 2917-2924 (2012).      

  • “Enhancement of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells by iron oxide nanoparticles” Biomaterials 32: 2871-2877 (2011). 

  • “HuR regulates the expression of stress-sensitive genes and mediates inflammatory response in human umbilical vein endothelial cells”  PNAS 107:6858-6863 (2010).

  • “Use of molecular beacons to image effects of titanium surface microstructure on β1 integrin expression in live osteoblast-like cells” Biomaterials, 31: 7640-7647 (2010).  

  • “Slow non-specific accumulation of 2’-deoxy and 2’-O-methyl oligonucleotide probes at mitochondria in live cells” Nucleic Acids Research, 38: e109 (2010). 

  • “Translation inhibition reveals interaction of 2’-deoxy and 2’-O-methyl molecular beacons with mRNA targets in living cells” Nucleic Acids Research, 37:4977-4986 (2009).

  • “Fluorescent probes for live-cell RNA detection” Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 11:25-47 (2009). 

  • “Target accessibility and signal specificity in live-cell detection of BMP-4 mRNA using molecular beacons” Nucleic Acids Research, 36. e30 (2008).

Recent news & events

Cancer liquid biopsy (e-SMK)

Plant exosome-derived biologics (e-SMK)

엑소좀 엔지니어링 기반 1) 뇌종양 치료용 유전자 치료제 (2021) 및  2) 항암 약물 탑재 유방암 치료제 개발(2022) 표지논문 게재












세포밖소포체 초간단 농축 공정 개발 언론 보도 (양희철, 함유민, 이원종)(2021)




우수 포스터 발표자상: 이소예 (2023)

2023년 한국 엑소좀학회 정기학술대회 우수 포스터 발표

코스맥스 우수논문발표상: 강수진 (2022)

2022년 한국 생물공학회 춘계학술대회 우수논문 발표

BBE Best Article Award: 김하늘 (2022)

The 2022 BBE Best Article Award

우수 논문 발표상 수상: 강수진 (2022)

2022년 한국 공업화학회 추계학술대회 우수논문 발표

우수 논문 발표상 수상: 강수진 (2021)

2021년 한국 공업화학회 추계학술대회 우수논문 발표

우수 논문 발표상 수상: 이하늘 (2021)

2021년 한국 생물공학회 춘계학술대회 학생우수논문 발표

WISET 연구팀 선정: 강수진 (2020)

2020년 여대학원생 공학연구팀제 지원사업 연구팀 선정

우수 논문 발표상 수상: 유제영 (2019)

2019년 한국 생물공학회 추계학술대회 학생우수논문 발표

BBE 우수논문 발표상 수상: 강수진 (2019)

2019년 한국 생물공학회 주관 2018년 우수 연구 성과 논문 게재 성과

인천광역시장상 수상: 이원종 교수 (2017)

산학연협력 기술개발 사업을 통한 지역 및 국가발전 기여

생물공학연구자상: 이원종 교수 (2017)

생물공학분야 학술발전 및 산업발전 기여

LG연암 국제 공동연구 교수 선정: 이원종 교수 (2017)

학문 전 계열 연구 성과 우수한 교수연구비 지원

액체 생검 기술 개발 관련 언론 인터뷰 및 보도 (2015, 2016)

젊은 여성연구자상 수상: 이지혜 (석사) (2015)

​한국여성과학기술인 지원센터, 한국생물공학회 젊은 여성연구자상 수상

경인일보 인터뷰.png

We are currently recruiting M.S., Ph.D. and post-doctoral fellows (including foreigners) in the fields of biotechnology, chemistry, and biology. Interested applicants may contact to

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